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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Heartbeat Doppler from

One of the joys of pregnancy is when we go in to our doctor and listen to the little miracle we carry and their heartbeat. Now, it's been made possible for Mommy's and Daddy's to do at home. I had one when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter but didn't think to buy one with our angel baby.

This time around is a MUST! I need to hear my lil sweet peas heartbeat A LOT.  Since I can't feel the baby moving yet, I get really worried something may be wrong. It often brings me to tears. So, to remedy this.... I went to and ordered a Doppler to hear our rainbow baby's heartbeat.

The first time I tried it, I couldn't find it. This had me a bit worried but I knew deep within that all was fine. I left it alone for the time being. The next day I pulled it out again. This time I didn't give up until I got to hear the heartbeat.

It was perfect! The Doppler couldn't register the heart rate because it sounded so far away. I'm sure this is due to the fact that I was 8 weeks 4 days pregnant. I tried for a third time and it came in perfectly at around 150-160 beats per minute.

(If you're expecting and would like to know which Doppler I am using... here is the picture)

 I do plan on taking my 8 week picture. Although I know I am a bit late on it. I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow. Praise GOD!!!!!

Here's the video of our Rainbow Baby's heartbeat.
 (Sorry about the quality. Hubby's phone isn't that great!)

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