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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Props to Momma's

I must say, I never gave it thought when it came to mothering more than one child. I have one daughter. This week while my younger sister stays in the hospital after giving birth, I'm helping my older sister by watching her two girls. I'm not used to taking care of three kids. The older two are only a year a part and the youngest is still in diapers. Let me say, I give all Mom's props out there that have two or more children.

Yesterday was day one. By the end of the day, I was literally pushing the kids to fall asleep. The fighting, screaming, running around, and crying was making me want to pull my hair out. I was definitely not ready for this. Today, I approached this with a different attitude. So far we are doing well. The girls are quietly watching TV while the baby plays in the play pen.

So, in conclusion: PROPS GOES TO THE MOMMA'S OUT THERE WHO HAVE TWO OR MORE KIDS. It's tough and I can say I will definitely look at the situation differently.


  1. LOL We went from one to two in January. The first 6 months were HARD. Now that the boys can play together (somewhat) it's not so bad!

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