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Friday, May 20, 2011

Cardboard Boxes and Imaginations

This is a continued blog from yesterday. I wanted to share some great memories that I have from my past. I just love how children can find the simplest things in this world to amuse themselves.

When my sister and I were younger, our dad gave us two boxes. We could do whatever we wanted with the boxes. We put our heads together and came up with the idea of making cars. She chose a Bronco and I chose a Tracker. We went to town. We used our scissors, string, and what not... and a few hours later.. we had our Lil box cars. Our dad even went to the extent of adding the final touch to both of our new projects... steering wheels made with plastic lids from ice cream buckets.

As we played, my sister's seemed to have no issues. Mine on the other hand... wasn't so great. The strings that I put on mine to place over my shoulders to hold my Tracker up....kept coming undone... then the steering wheel kept falling off...

All the while, my sister was out in the yard enjoying hers. This mad me mad. I began crying.... and that was it. I yelled that Trackers are junk and walked away.

To this day, we joke of this situation. This was one of many times my younger sister and I played together. We not only helped each other use our imaginations but we also created a memory that has lasted us a life time.

1 comment:

  1. See? Kids cxan have fun without video games, and electronics.


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