Come on in!

I'm so glad you have come across my little nook in the cyber world. Here I strive to be real and inspire. I talk about my walk in faith as a Christian, motherhood, the loss of my child, and anything else that crosses my mind. Join me for a minute and relax?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How my Life Changed in a Blink of an Eye

I know some of you are wondering what I meant by the title. Well, in order for me to continue on with this blog, I need to reveal it's purpose. My husband and I got pregnant in August 2012 with a little girl. The pregnancy was full of stress and it was a really rough road for me.

On May 27th, 2013 I went into labor with my daughter Dakota. I made the trip to the hospital and learned that my child had passed. She was a stillborn. This hit me and my family hard. So, there you have it in the shortened version. The full version will be in a book I am writing which is called... Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello.

Here's the covers of the book:



I'll tell the full story within this book. But while I am writing it, I'm not going to reveal anything that's in it. As for now, when I'm missing my little girl.... I will express it here on this blog. I'll turn to the world for support and I hope that one day my blog will help someone who has been forced to walk this horrible path.

I'm going to go finish redesigning my blog for now. But I'm sure I'll be back soon.

Do you know anyone who has lost a child?


  1. I do know Losing my son 6 years ago was one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with.
    My short story is: I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on March 13, 2007. On May 30th, 2007 I found him gone in his crib, died of SIDS.
    You will be able to read the long story when my book, A Little Broken, is released.


  2. Sarah Abbott DowlinAugust 14, 2013 at 2:54 AM

    You have already inspired so many! God Bless you, Raebeth!


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