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Monday, November 7, 2011

My Princess is Sick (Even though it doesnt seems like it)

Last night, Princess woke me up coughing so hard it took her breath. It really scared both of us. So, this morning right after she left for school (the coughing only happens at night).... Hubby called the doctor and made her an appointment. After school, Hubby and Princess went off to the doctors... Let me remind you... she's ADHD which makes office visits a little rough because she's always bouncing off the walls. Here's Hubby's way of keeping her some what calm... and it's rather entertaining:

1 comment:

  1. I hope she feels better. I know I hate being sick. But that's a funny video. Thanks for posting.

    ~Rachel Yost~


The journey of an angel mother. Join in with her and her passionate posts for the things in life that matter; family!